Not a road drill in sight!

Despite the worst predictions of the Evening Nazi, the entire event went off peacefully. The only fragment of violence came from the police officers whose patience occasionally snapped. One participant was dragged through the line on the Mound and given beating for lying peacefully in front of a Police horse. A couple of other incidents initiated by uniformed and plain clothes police were luckily noticed quickly by other protesters who made it clear that it was unacceptable and that charges would be brought.

Initial planners had no idea that so many participants would turn up. At its height, it was estimated that the carnival numbered nearly a thousand. The momentum of party was such that Newington was not enough! Having partied on all the major crossroads along Clerk St. a chant went up for Princes Street and who could argue against that idea? A police blockade was set up across the Mound and the impasse lasted about 30 mins, but everyone eventually got the idea that we could just go around! A quick jaunt through Princes St Gardens and we were on Princes Street outside Burger King. The protesters restricted themselves to verbal assaults on the fast food criminals, and the revelry passed smoothly along the street to the partner in crime, MacDonalds.

From there the carnival, now at its largest extent turned Lothian Road from a pollution hot-spot into a festival of dance, song and silly hats. Tollcross junction afforded a well needed sit down for a moments before the whole party adjourned to Melville Drive and the Meadows to chill out. The drummers collapsed in relief as the bike driven sound systems took up the beat and the party went on long into the night.
